June 12, 2011

20 !

Happy Birthday to Faizahazmi .
hey its ME !
I'm Officially 20 Today :)
Not really like it , hahaha :D
Gonna to be old soon . awwww :(
What can I've gt from my family eh ?
Can I've that ? DSRL please ? bb perhaps ? hahah .
wishWISHwish ♥

so Im DONE with practical .
tak rindu sape-sape pon . hahaa :)

and yeah, tak sabar nak balik kolej .
Rindu Cik Noura sangat ! banyak story :)
dan nak mulakan sesi bertumbuk dengan dia . hahahah ♥

again, Happy 20th Birthday to me ♥♥

thanks to all of you yang wishes :)
sayang korang.

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