October 16, 2009

besties :)

location : Anam's house

location : Alamanda, Putrajaya

hangout with besties :))

Assalammualaikum readers :)
thanks Awe, Apel, Ijoy and Devil ( aku tk suka mamat ni, dia jahat! hehe. ) coz hantar Faizah Azmi balek Putrajaya and thanks to besties jugak because sanggup tunggu I balek dari Banting.

well kiteorang ade jemputan open house ( eh, its suppoused to be open shop because buat dkt kedai ) dari Anam. so makan ketupat, ayam goreng and kuah kacang. memang sedap. hahha padahal tengah lapar. lepas makan, pegyy belakang chatt-ingg with ex- schoolmates. pas borak-borak, balek Putrajaya laa. drop Ac dekat rumah then pegyy Alamanda jumpa Zera and Teyka. meet-ingg this two girls a while. borak pasal esok, nak pegyy open house Ika and Awe. tempat laen-laen ni. and we decide tk pegyy Ika punye open house. Awe? maybe..

ok baru tao Pina now already have a blog ! gylak laa. dulu kata tkmo gune blog. hahhaa. anw Welcome Nur Syafina Musa ! hehee~

ok peeps, tk tao nak bebel apa.
bye and tc :))

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