June 19, 2010



Going good ppl ? thats great ! me ? haa I dont think that Im looks good for now . why ? PROBLEMS ! always problems ! bosan macam ni . erm . about THE CRAZY and THE GUY . I think I want move from here . move from THE CRAZY and THE GUY . Because of this CRAZY and GUY , my life getting sucks everyday . Always think , think and THINK ! arghhh ! Can you imagine , I can’t sleep , when I hangout + eat + gossip + watching tv , Im always think about that things ! aghh , can I die ? I dont know how to settle the problems ... Its always in my mind !! Somebody need to help me . who ? doc ? caunsellor ? BFF ? haaa! I don’t think they can help . ermm need someone to talk . whos?!


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