February 20, 2009

SUP ?!
I've change my blogskin alrdy.
mcm weird laa .

sume mcm tk kena . SUCKS !!!

February 17, 2009


( 17.2.2009)


February 7, 2009

change pic. hehhe xD

Sup ?!
Whre am i ryte now?
Nw i dkt Angkasapuri .
What fr ? BINTANG RTM 2009 !!
Still waiting fr register . Kata open pukul 8 am .
Nw dah 9.22 am oi .
Mati kesejukan aku kat sini . Hahaaha xD
While im waiting fr regster , tgk ade wireless .
Pe lagi , try to gt onlinee laa kannn .
And practice my song laa . Hanya Di Mercu by Ayu OiAM2
Tkde la ramai sgt yg dtg fr audition .
AF and BINTANG RTM , of coz ppl will go AF !
Bt why i go Bntng RTM ? Coz da cukup umo uhh .
Will try AF next year uhh ;)

So ppl ,
Byebyee :)

; Faizah Azmi

February 5, 2009



SUP ?!
hangout todayy with my bff .
see , alots of picture of bff and me .
love you bff .
sebelom pegi tasek , all of us ( Sabrina ,Siti , Azlan ,Pina and I )
pegi Alamanda . what we doing ? KARAOKE laaarr .
gylerr uh. masa mula-mula , mcm malu-malu gitu .
yelahh tyme tu ade Azlan .
nak keluar kan suare , uishh segann . aurat katanya.
hahhahahaha x)
then text Azlan , after 1 min , dier reply said " korang hve fun uh . aku cari pants jab "
OK !
lepas si Azlan ni keluar dri room tue , sumer macam batak mic .
hahahahha . si Sabrina and Siti yang tk pernah nyanyi , terus nyanyi okaayy !!
after abeh karaoke sumer , pegi Dunkies beli donat la .
balek naek cab . macam jaoh Alamanda dgn rumahh .
hahhaha xD
tapi kiteorg tk balek rumah pon.
bff and i singgah tasek , amek picturess :)
then makan la my donat there .
Asirul amek my strawberry donut laa kann .
adushh .
tmr go tasekk .
amek picturess .
take care readerss .
adio0s ~
byebye .

Faizah Azmi

February 4, 2009

wow !

Sup ?!
its rainingg ..
so decide to upload my lil bro pic.
bosann gyler hari ni .
as usual tk jadi keluar . ishh , asek2 tk jadi .
mandi + makan , then pegy rumah Teykaa .
Sabrina and Teykaa nak datang rumahh tgk babyy .
after 1 hour , kiter borak2 sumerr , da pinjam my novels .
so balekk laaa . hee~
waiting fr Acab . on9 tapi tk reply .
sure dia tgh tgk tv or keluar ni. poyoo laa ..
check out this surveyy :
What is your boyfriend/girlfriends name?
♪ ??

What are you listening to right now?
♪ Akan Tiba by Aliff ,

Whats your favorite number?
♪ 6 yaws .

What was the last thing you ate?
♪ nasi + ikan masak merah !!

When was the last time you smiled?
♪ just now .

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
♪ Sabrinaa :)

Do you wear contacts?
♪ nope .

Favorite Month?
♪ June .

Have you ever cried for no reason?
♪ kadang2 uhh.

What was the last movie you watched?
♪ bedtime story ?

Are you too shy to ask someone out?
♪ depends laa .

Chocolate or Vanilla?
♪ chocolate ..

What is the last text message you received?
♪ "are you serious?pegi la belakon tu..”

What is the last text message you sent?
♪ "ok.u ask ur parents first!”

Who was the last person to call you?
♪ teykaa :)

What books are you reading?
♪ malay novel fr now

When was the last time you slept in someone else's bed?
♪ semalam punyer semalam ..

Favorite movie?
♪ a lot ..

What were you doing before this?
♪ ym with Epul .

Dogs or cats?
♪ tkmo dua2. hates animal . hahahha !

Have you ever loved someone?
♪ yeahh .

Are you still friends with people from kindergarten ?
♪ nope. Da pindahh laa.

If you could be with someone right now, who would it be?
♪ my idol kot ?

February 3, 2009

cam .

Dude Herlino . a random picture .

Sup ?!
suck ! why eyh ?

coz I maseh berada di kampongg .
sepatutnye balek tadi mlm . bt pakcik nak balek tmr .
aduhh rosak program ku besok .
teros textd PINA , AZLAN and ZERA .
* sorry bebz , kiterr hangout Rabu la dkt Alamm .*
tmr balek Putrajaya after pakcik balek kejerr .
maybe balek malam laa kann . cnfirm balek , terus siap2 kan baju fr hangout .
niari tkde buat apa2 pon .
wke up around 11+ then mandi , makan meggie .
aftr that , Tidooo zzzzZ until 4 + .
bangon jerr , trus pagi dapor amek nasi . makan lapar siot .
ushar hdp , ade missed call . PRIVATE NUMBER .
saper ntah . biar laa .
makngah dtg bawak cekodok . lamer sehh tk mkan cekodok .
hahhahaha :)
makan smpai Nana bangon . pastu aderr orang dtg .
cepat-cepat msok bilek , pegy mandi .
then pakcik ckp "sorry. kiterr balek besok eyh "
and what my expression ?
WHATT ?!! NO!!

so pakcik treat me roti canai .
sedap jugak laa . act tengah laparr . agagagaga
pas makan , on9 ym .
chatting with other friendss .

so nw chatting with Aireen , AcAB , pter and kak Norfa .
aiseyhmaann , my cam rosak .

tk bole nak view cam laa kann .
* sorry eyh peepz , u guys tk bole view my cam laa .
Nw still on9 . bt on9 ym .
my msn cannt open it . ndah tao kenapa ?!

byebye .

♥ Faizah Azmi

February 2, 2009

SUP ?!
wth !

Moshi-moshi .
hahhaha .
now 1.20 am . what im doing ?
on9 la weyhh ! ayark xD
just now chat with Lina. my Indonesian friend.
ask her abt Intan . what she said ?
Rado tk mati lagi cume hilang ingatan jaa.
hahahahha. gue suka tao !
akan ku tonton INTAN sampai episod akhir.

I still dkt kg . tday balek Putrajaya.
miss my friends ! hahhaha (serious im laughing ryte now.hahha.)
ape eyh nak buat minggu ni ?
yeahh. da ade jadual . hehehe ;)

Dari Langat . balek Putrajaya .
then duduk rumah jerr .
Pagi-pagi ade hal dgn frens .
maybe pegy umah Teyka or Alamanda .
bole karaoke and lepaks dkt Big Apple .
Rabu + Khamis + Jumaat
idk . maybe lepak tasek dgn bff .
Audition Bintang RTM 2009 .
abeh audition , jumpa Azlan .teman dier shopping dkt Mid Valley .
malam , gerak balek Tekali .
Kenduri cukur jambul my lil bro.
fyi my stepmom da beranaks .
malam maybe gerak langat . my uncle ajak maen Billionaire .

dari kelmarin + semalam i maen Billionaire .
ala asik kalah jerr . tension siol .
last-last bkk laptop cik zura , on9 .
hhahahhahaa. then tido pagi tdi tk mcm kul 7 am plak en ?
ni sume coffee nye hal .
so tday tk minum coffee dahh .
bosan la. Acab tk on9 . da texted dier tpi NO RESPONSE .
so blogging + tgk pakcik and pakndakk maen PS .
maen game aper ponn gue tk tao .

I think i should end here .
focus to my ym . hehhehe :)
waiting fr Acab , Acab , Hafizz ....
tk on-on jugak . poyo laaa.
bye !
chow-chin-chiee (e_e)

♥ Faizah Azmi

February 1, 2009

Assalammualaikum .
waahh good girl seyhh .
Just want to say Good Morningg ppl .
Happy February .
sorry. be like this bcoz never sleep since last night .
so jadi sewel . hahahhaha ;)
Why i cnnt sleep ? bcoz tdi minum coffee .
then perot lapar . my czen make me meggie.
hahahha :) thanks czen .

just now chat with Acab at ym .
aduhh lamer tk chat dgn u la babe .
thanks fr calling me with that name .
hahahahhaha :)

this week I'm bit bz .
practice , practice and practice .
lagu dah dapat . thanks Epul .
aiseyhmann , lagu susahh gyler .
lagi2 high nyer . fuh! hrap2 dpt buat .

so I think I should blah from here now .
sebelom ketahuan sama grandpa .
kalau dia tau , mati gue . hahahahha .
take care eyh .
bye .

♥ Faizah Azmi