March 29, 2010

celebration :)

no edit :)

Whootts .
hari yang sangat best sebab mendung je . tk panas , tk sejuk . suam-suam kuku je . heheh . malam tadi celebrate Yaya's balated birthday . see la the pics , haru rumah kiteorang . haha . bt we had fun ah malam tadi . celebrate arnd 1am . kak sue balek lambat semalam . tu yang lambat celebrate . mata dah ngantok . naseb dapat tido kejap while tunggu kak sue . semua berjalan dengan lancar till tiba-tiba ....

girls : (serbu bilik kiteorang) yaya! takot2 , jom keluar !
Yaya : haaa? napa ni ? *pending*
girls : jom laa. takot ....
Yaya : tknak2 .
Faizah : *bukak pintu then saw kek with the light*
girls and me : HAPPY BIRTHDAYY TO YOU *sing bday song*
Yaya : thanks babes !

lepas tu , bermula la sesi cuitg-cuit krim cake . hahha . baling-baling garam . haha . kiteorang lupa nak beli tepung and telur padahal seblum tu me and boyfie keluar pegy kedai runcit dkt BB . abeh apa lagi , garam jelahh . so rumah macam berpasir . tapi jangan risau , dah kemas pon . ada video tpi nnty2 lah upload . lembab neyh . so nnty-nnty ah .

dengar-dengar Abg Arep nk bawak Yaya pegy candle light dinner malam ni . waaaa :( nk ikot ah bro . boleh ahh ? haha . maen-maen jaa . well , hve funn ppl . so better im off here . perot ku laparr . ermm , ada apa didapur eh ? ok bye . tc . anything , call me !

ma's birthday :)

hey its mommyyyy birthday !
HAPPY BIRTHDAY pn zarina :)
thanks to being my mom .

March 28, 2010

ok mesti semua tgh excited nk dgr pasal Astro kan? kankan? hahha. Kiteorang tk jadi pegy pon . bus yang sepattnya amek kiteorang boleh sesat sampai Unisel . ayooo . bus tu dapat alamat KOLEJ KOMUNITI BATANG BERJUNTAI . padahal kolej kiteorang nama KOLEJ KOMUNITI KUALA LANGAT . ciss ! dah la siap kelam kabot , abeh odw pegy kolej , terus tk jadi . dah ah tkde mood .

March 27, 2010

Yaya's birthday.

heyheyyouyou !
its YAYA's day :)
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY nor fatin athira :)

March 23, 2010

anyone ?

Whoootts !
im bit tired latelyy . didnt gt enough rest . dunno why . I think I've a problem but Idk hw to explain , when its happen and blablablaaa . its comes so so fast . now I need a rest I think . I cant think carefully when Im start cravingg . for now Im just think abt NASI . im didnt eat since yesterday . just ate mee sedap and burger . I cant stand anymore . I just want NASI .

nasi , where are you ?
nasi , I want you !
nasi , when can I see you ?
nasi , I need you damn much !!

N.A.S.I ~

p/s : nasi its rice and alots word of think that im using here . hehe .

Farah's Birthday

today is her birthday.
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY farah hanim :)
make us laugh-laugh and laugh when we with you .

March 20, 2010


and today her birthday as well .
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY pieka !

March 18, 2010

Zuraini and dieba

today its her birthdayy . yipeee !
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY nur zuraini :)

and she !
HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY dieba !
she's one of my group members during camp in Malacca .
anw good luck in ur SPM , dearest :)

March 15, 2010

ibuuu .

today its ibu birthday .
I not happy, I not laugh and I still remember her and I still love you, ibu .
kalaulah ibu masih ada sekarang , ibu dah 41 tahun .
tapi ALLAH lebih menyayangi ibu .

March 14, 2010


now currently chatt-ingg with Faraa senget. haha. dia dkt umah sewa dia.
so tkde keje, kiteorg wc je. hhuhu.

anw have just noticed I already become a blogger , 2 years.
sayangg blog ni ketat-ketat c(: