October 25, 2009

besties :)

Hellloooooo :D
semalam keluar dgn besties. Pina and Ac . kiteorg pegy The Mines. Karaoke and makan MCD. hahaha. macam Alamanda takde sume tu. mmg best. hee~


October 21, 2009

last night :/

BUT LOVE him ?
I do not know WHAT my real sense IN he.

happy when well off sense with he.
he overly take care of myself.
but when he hurt me, I pained.
I want with he.

yesterday go out for a meal with him and we talk as usual. we joke, play game is in my hdp. but when he want to return him produce sentence I his insinuation on tease to me."we 2 people only. 8.30 pm but 8 people ? wth! " excuse me. do not know the matter will happen. I remember us 4 people but I wrong. it 8 people. apology ?

last only go back from restaurant, I message in he and apologise on what happens and promise to be dining with her in tomorrow night ( today ). but he said "no promise" .
ok know me wrong. but I already tired to apologise because I sense me is difficult one man to apologise but easy forgive people.

I really want know what will happen later.
I beg leave to retire once. many more I need make and thank you all since taking care of myself. and thank you Husna because lend me broadband to finish up the assignment.

October 18, 2009

soon ..

Morningg ppl.
Nice tak gambar tu ? hahah. by usingg photoshop, sume bole buat kann ? heheh. ok Im act just want to say Bloggingg soon eh . nak pack-ingg baju ni. biasa lahh nak balek Banting dahh. fyi 1st tyme balek Banting naek bus. andand ALONE ! tkde sape teman. aduhh takot !
anw Im away till tmr kot ?? heheh .
bye and tc .

oh hello.
now 5.00pm and saya tk balek balek bantingg lagi. hahah. mao tao kenapa? ok let me storyy dkt u all. tadi tyme nk suruh baba hantr dkt stesen bus, tiba-tiba baba and ma senyum-senyum. awatnya mereka ni ?

ma : abg, mlm laa.
baba : :) hahhaa.
ma : :D
baba : kau balek malam laa ? baba hantr tpi kena ikot pegy open house .
Faizah : hahaha. serious baba hantr ? ok takde hal laa. yey!

15 minutes later ..

Faizah : ma, nnty netbook tu nak tukar niari ker ?
Ma : mmm, if sempat tukar harini laa.
Faizah : tapi cover netbook ni dkt banting. tetinggal.
Ma : mmm camtu laen kali laa .
Faizah : uh? akak kalau bole nak harini gak. ade klas Ilustrator Selasa ni and keje tk siap lagi.
Maa : tgk dulu laa.

and now Im waiting for my aunties and uncles and cuzzie dtg rumahh. beraya katanya? hahaha. tapi tak datang-datang lagi. haiyerr. so I think I should end here ryte? and I missed my friends and .... nothingg laa. hee~

tc. bye.

October 17, 2009

change ..

Acer Aspire Gemstone Blue

I think I want to change my netbook to laptop. well my netbook cnnt use act for my subject in college. so I already request to my parents for change my netbook. So that Acer Aspire Gemstone Blue can make me happy if my parents buy for me. Mari kite berdoa, mudah-mudahan baba and ma tukarkan netbook ....

Happy Deepavali :)

Theepah .

Happy Deepavali to all Indians :)

Happy Deepavali to Theepah , Geetha, Leela, Viji and Suguna .Their act my classmates . Theepah already starts her holiday since Thursday. While Leela, Vigi and Suguna start thier holiday since yesterday. Only Geetha didnt take holiday because she celebrates in Klang.

owh Morningg people :) . Hows ur day? goingg good? hope so.
I'll end here eh? tk tao nk bebual apa dkt sini.

bye. tc

October 16, 2009

besties :)

location : Anam's house

location : Alamanda, Putrajaya

hangout with besties :))

Assalammualaikum readers :)
thanks Awe, Apel, Ijoy and Devil ( aku tk suka mamat ni, dia jahat! hehe. ) coz hantar Faizah Azmi balek Putrajaya and thanks to besties jugak because sanggup tunggu I balek dari Banting.

well kiteorang ade jemputan open house ( eh, its suppoused to be open shop because buat dkt kedai ) dari Anam. so makan ketupat, ayam goreng and kuah kacang. memang sedap. hahha padahal tengah lapar. lepas makan, pegyy belakang chatt-ingg with ex- schoolmates. pas borak-borak, balek Putrajaya laa. drop Ac dekat rumah then pegyy Alamanda jumpa Zera and Teyka. meet-ingg this two girls a while. borak pasal esok, nak pegyy open house Ika and Awe. tempat laen-laen ni. and we decide tk pegyy Ika punye open house. Awe? maybe..

ok baru tao Pina now already have a blog ! gylak laa. dulu kata tkmo gune blog. hahhaa. anw Welcome Nur Syafina Musa ! hehee~

ok peeps, tk tao nak bebel apa.
bye and tc :))

October 15, 2009

Morningg :)

Morningg everyones :))

soryy tk update blog fr a few days. bz with asgment. hahha. buat ke? padahal tk buat pon. hahha. act broadband my parents da amek balek. so nk update tu mcm susah. ingt semalam nk update tapi si Husna tk datang kolej pulak. naseb baek niari dia datang. dapat update while dia dgn Nora melukis karikatur. saya seorang yang pemalas untuk menyiapkan lukisan-lukisan ni. tsk. nnty la buat kayy.

Currently at college libry with my classmates. diorang siapkan lukisan, Faizah menyiapkan post kat blog. wth! no classes until 12.15 pm. lame ke pehh?

haaa ! tk tao nk post ape da ni. no ideas. bila libry da ramai, tkde ideas pulak. so bored !
end here laahh.
bye . tc .

October 8, 2009

drawing and digital class :)

Assalammualaikum kawan-kawan :]
Baru ade masa nk update blog ni. bz sangat-sangat. eh, bz ke? memang tadi ade free la kejab tapi nak siapkan drawing. ade 8 muka tk buat lagi. tapi tk siap-siap jugakk. hahah. Nora cakap " balek-balek mata ni. buat da bape kali tpi tk siap-siap jugak " hahha. malas uhh nak buat. Tadi ade quiz untuk class Drawing and Digital. Digital memang bole jawab tapi Drawingg? aduhh takot laa nk tangok result dia nnty.. bace nota pob maen-maen. sebok kacau orang dekat libry. tengok lukisan orangg. then tibe-tibe ..

Zaido : eh, duduk la.
Faizah : eh, jab. ni sape? Sharifah Aini kan?
Emeer : hahaha! itu MJ laa.
Faizah : erk? hahhaa! salah-salah.
Zaido : kau nk gambar tu?
Faizah : apa? gambar ni? mmmmm, nvm .
Zaido : kak sue nak tk agak-agak ?
Faizah : (blur..) ha? tk tao. tk penah tgk dia tgk cite cartoon laa.
Zaido : kau bagi dkt dia bole ?
Faizah : eh, kau laa bagi sndri. knapa suruh aku?
Zaido : mmmmmm cam malu jer..

hahha. ini mamat mmg laa. tk bole blah.

ok next week ade Hari Usahawan. kiteorg dgr-dgr kena melukis tapi tk tao sape yang dipilih. hope NOT me yehh. mana aku tao melukis laaa. yang confirm student Animasi sem 4 kena jual ayam goreng :] mmm, sedapp woooo :)) tapi still ade class. haa itu tk best. tapi tkpe lahh atleast ade benda nk buat kann selain menghabiskan duet dkt booth nnty. minggu dpan pon da kena practice belakon. ok nk minta tolong dkt you guys .
Tolong senaraikan dkt saya cerita-cerita yang berunsurkan jenaka dkt saya. nnty bilang dkt saya ok? tk tao nak buat cerita apa .

and ppl, need go now. nk tido kejab. ape dahh pukul 5ptg pun nk tido. terok faizah. hahha.
so bye and do take care ppl :]]

October 7, 2009


Shahrul & Ayie

Husna (oren) & Nora

Fizi ~ Yusz ~ Emeer

Hello World ! Good morningg. have u take ur breakfast ? just a random question.
owhh that pictures of my classmates. tu baru sikit laa. coz smlm yang ade dalam class En Amir berapa orang jerr. yang indians sume pegyy lab tengok internet. kiteorg je malas pegyy lab coz we'll hve own lappy pehh. so no need go there ehh. whatever laa. anw kena buat arca untuk class En Amir. dengar mcam senng but nk pikir nak buat bentok apa adalah SUSAH ! but will try the best. hahah lol.

malam tadi buat record, 3 jam berdiri tanpa duduk. ok once again TANPA DUDUK ! hahaha. bz bz. ramai berator nak date dengan saya malam tadi. hahhaa wth. tkdelahh. kawan2 kolej, Zul and Aliff lepak depan rumah. dengan Zul lama jugaklahh. hampir 2 jam then Aliff sampai Zul balek lepak dengan Aliff pulak. ok dengan Aliff sekejab jerkk coz nothingg to talk. abeh kalau da dua-dua senyap better masok rumah kann. time is money ! hahaha. masok je rumah teros cari laksa and tea o ais. lapar dan dahaga menyelubungi tekak saya. haha. laapaar woii.

today is Wednesday. Wednesday its today. hahha. ada 1 class but sepatutnya ada 2 classes. and En Faizul takde dekt kolej for 3 weeks so next week pon tkde class dia uhh. ade English class jer. harini ade English class, malas nak pegyy act. kiteorg kena buat presenttion depan lecturer dekat bilik kualiti. so mesti ramai lecturer dekt situ then knpa kiteorg malas pegy its because salah seorng dri kiteorg ( each group ade 4 org ) ade family problem so dia kena balek rumah dia dekat Shah Alam. takkan nak buat presenttion 3 orang je kot? mana bole. so sms's Emeer and Nabil malam tadi. Emeer as usual la tak reply nnty bila tanye dia msti cakap "eh,tk perasan" haha lol. Nabil ckp dia datang tpi tengok dulu. ok bro, if u tk datang bilang-bilang ehh !

ok now Faizah lapar. apa yang ade dekat dapur sekrang? only meggie and mee sedap ? aduhh suck mann. hari-hari makan benda ni. nak buat macamana bedal jelahh. so Faizah move yaa. nak masak mee sedap kot? wth. haha.

btw to all PMR's Candidates , im wish all of you Good Luck ! harini PMR rites? so cool down. relax okehh dear :]

tc. bye ~

October 5, 2009


Hello. nk download pichaa ltk dkt blog, line macam apa jerk. so tk pyh pic la ehh. act tak tao nk borak apa. ok tadi mkn bihun tomyam and sirap limau. sumer masam. 1 hari tkde class. mmg shit. bangun pagi-pagi, pegi kolej, tao-tao tkde class. naseb ade broadband, kalau tk dah mengamuk kat situ gak. waste my tyme ! shit laa.

hahha. lately suka ckp shit. Faizah sengalz ke pehh pon tak tao uhh. wth. and now tak tao nk story apa. owh lupa Yaya and SPL students balek mlm ni. maybe around 2am dorang sampai Bantingg. rindu Yaya alreadyy .

lapar nii walaupon da makan. ok msak meggie dulu yeaa.
daa ~

October 4, 2009

open house yang sangat ....

1st rayaa :]

Morninggg and HELLO !
apa khbar? miss me miss me? hehehe. Faizah pon rindu korangg jugakk uhh. Semalam kan umah ade open house, well ade rase bengang and marah sikit. why eh marah-marah? ok 1st bengang dengan all my classmates. da ajak, and da reminds hari-hari tpi ade mereka datang? mmmm.. hampeh ! ade yang cakap " ok . aku confirm datang. " itu sume cakap lebat ! for now on, Faizah Azmi tak akann percaya kata-kata pelajar SAN 1A and SAN 1B . dua-dua tarak bleii pkaii tao. yang datang pon my seniors jerk. ok thanks alot pada yang datang semalam.
Ijoy, Awe, Apel, Zul, Abg Arep, Abg Tariq, Zul san, DD and Din. korang mmg hot ! hheh. coz korang datang umah aku.

smlm balek Awe hantar. thanks we. and harini balek pon dengan Awe. pkul 2.30 dia amek. butbut baba and ma ajak g Tesco jab. nk ikot2. nk tgk kasot. hahha. duet tkde pon mao beli barang lagii ehh? eh who care? hhaha.

nak siap2 neyh. bye peeps. tc :]