October 5, 2009


Hello. nk download pichaa ltk dkt blog, line macam apa jerk. so tk pyh pic la ehh. act tak tao nk borak apa. ok tadi mkn bihun tomyam and sirap limau. sumer masam. 1 hari tkde class. mmg shit. bangun pagi-pagi, pegi kolej, tao-tao tkde class. naseb ade broadband, kalau tk dah mengamuk kat situ gak. waste my tyme ! shit laa.

hahha. lately suka ckp shit. Faizah sengalz ke pehh pon tak tao uhh. wth. and now tak tao nk story apa. owh lupa Yaya and SPL students balek mlm ni. maybe around 2am dorang sampai Bantingg. rindu Yaya alreadyy .

lapar nii walaupon da makan. ok msak meggie dulu yeaa.
daa ~

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