August 29, 2008

da 2 hari i tk pegi sekolah.bkn mals tapi tkde pape dkt sek.
tkde exam. juz ade reheasel for merdeka day. so malas gitu (:
so tday dpt bad news gitu. so mlm neyh tk jadi g tgk bunga api.
tgk kat rumah jerk. bosan uhhh XD
Owh tk tao nk post. NOT IN MOOD !

♥ Faizah Azmi

August 25, 2008

tday school as asual gitu. exam and exam..
then balik rumah. sabrina datng. lepak and lepak..
well tk tao nk buat apa act. hahah :)
so ryte nw blogging and all.
doe noe what to do laa.. after makan just thinking Internet !
hahah :) doe noe why. TEROK2...
nothing intersting today. SEJUKKKK jerk..
hujannnn jerrkkk.
ok larh. tk tao nk post apa act. just bace org punye blog and on9.
dats all !

next week is Puaseee ! tk sabar ! hahah :)
dis sunday, MERDEKAAAA !
yey !

byebye :)

♥ Faizah Azmi

August 22, 2008

hari ni i bangun agak lewat seperti biasa. hahah .
da tido jam 2,mane tk bngun lewat kan?!
bt still can on9 after bf gitu. hhehe :)
then dlm kul 2.30 pm,pegi Zoo Negara. nw tempt tu da bosan
bagi orang2 mcm i. idk why. pikir la sendiri kaay.
so paklang beli tikx for paklang sendiri,maklang,haikal,yazid,fuzza and i.
well fuzza and i tk brapa nk seronok dtg situ. boring. hahah xD
nOthing intersting there. budak2 suke uh. bila tgk hari makin gelap,
bkn pasl nk malam bt hari nak hujan gitu,kiteorg pon odw balik.
before balik,singgah shop dkt situ tuk beli dorayaki.
then we buy strawberry,kaya and choc dorayaki.
well i think my kaya lagi sedap ooohhh. hee~
lepas beli dorayaki,kiteorg balik. jalan jem seyh. rabak gyler !
mlm neyh,makn mee sup. pedas siott ! tpi kena maintain dpn pklang.
hahahahha XD. so cepat2 mkan, then blogging. hee~
tu keje aku bile duduk rumah maklang neyh. tak tao nk buat apa uh.
so blogging and on9 ! ahhahaha :)

neyh lepas kiteorg turun dari train.

Dorayaki neyh SEDAPPP !

kaay uh. da post sumthink for uguys gitu.
so pandai2 la bace. hehehe ~
gtg. fuzza nak gune comp.
tkcareess readerrrsss ,
byebyebye .

♥Faizah Azmi

August 21, 2008

hari ni best. hhee :) . bangun jam 8 am then mandi.
maklang beli mihun goreng,roti canai & kueh for bf.
kueh,sedap. mihun, HANCURR ! sorry makcikkk xD
after fuzza keluar,meet her friends, i on9 uh.
but nw bru nk blogging gitu. bcz tk tao nk post ape pagi tdi.
ptg, around 2 pm , pegi Tesco . Shopping with maklang and makngah.
dorang beli pe ntah. then minum petang dkt Kopitiam.
Ice Blended White Coffee mmg best ! tpi kalo ader caramel, lagi SUPERSHIOK gitu...
hahhaha :)
thanks maklang cz treat me ...
then amik atok ang epul dkt Petronas. well atok baru balik dri Tilawah Al-Quran dkt Melaka.
idk larh atok menang or tk.. lupe nak tanye tadi. huhuhu.
then i follw maklang balik umah dia uh. well my things kan dkt rumah maklang.
tonite tido rumah mklang lagi smpai Jumaat. Sabtu balik Tekali cz ade bakar lemang.
cam raya daaahh . pelik betul .
then update ms fuzza. ltk lagu Menjaga Hati . agak ssah jgk cari lagu tu. bt da siap. syukur . hhehehe XD
and nw its tyme for me post sumtink. ok i da post.

so evrybody. tke care ur self kaay.
tmr i will post sumtink before i stop blogging again kaay.
iye larh. next week kan nk sambong trial balik so need stop uh.

byebye readerrss :)

♥ Faizah Azmi

August 20, 2008

Hols !

Halo everybody!
Well nw school holiday gituuu. bt boring gyler.
okok stop write BORING! xD
tday duduk rumah smpi jam 4.00 . then ma ina balik and send me at Mak Lang house.
well here im am. at maklang house. im alone without my siblings. huhuh :)
happy gitu duduk sorang2. tk pyh jage itu 2 org budak. hahahha :)
bila i dkt rumah mklang,i tke a tyme to post sumtink uh.
act tk tao nk post apa. bt i nk post jugak. bcoz its holiday weeks ryte. so mesti byk nk bgitao.
Fuzza,my czen,suro update myspace dia. ltk lagu Permintaan Hati. maybe she like dat song. idk larh..
owh yeah. lagi 2 weeks, puase ! then raya. then SPM ! ha! neyh yg i paling takot!
btw i tk dpt PLKN gitu. so very happy larh kan. hehehe :)
ystrday, i buy TRUE SINGAPORE GHOST STORY BOOK. well i think everybody knows the book.
why i buy ? bcz Sufri said his story ade dlm buku tu. dats why i beli uh.
owh i da buat karangan neyh. heheh .
ea larh. dah tkde idea nk post ape.
ok larh. nk tolong fuzza update ms n straighten rambot dia.
tkcareess readersss :)
byebye... daaaa..

♥ Faizah Azmi

August 15, 2008

Party Ayu Fanstatic :)

sorry ek :) pic gelap !

tggu KTM ! lambat bngat x(

Fay  Epul !
helo ! neyh Epul & Fay :)

Fay  AYU ! ayu best !
owh God ! me with Ayu ! she's rawks tao !

with Kak Efa !
neyh akak efa ! muke dia cam putri en ?

snap dulu b4 start karaoke :)

Admin Ayu Fanstatic yg rawks gyle :)

okok. neyh je yg i nk post and bagi korang tgk. hehhe :)
neyh tyme Party with Ayu Fanstatic !
dorang memang best. walaupon i tk menang apape. bt its okaay.
yg penting. semua happy .
hehhee . miss dkt korang. so kalau korang nk tao more info pasl party tu,just bukak or .
hope korang enjoys.yeah. miss bangat dkt korang !

tkcareess reaaderrrsss :)

♥ Faizah Azmi

August 6, 2008

Last Day !

Hello Blogger,
Nw at sch as usual.Its resest tyme pergh.
Well bz study ryte nw bt hve tyme for blogging.
well tday my last day blogging b4 i stop blogging for a whilee.
OMG! tmr trial SPM startd. takot siahhhh.Bt i hope can doit bttr dari dulu.
Well its for my future ryte? so must doit bettr uh. FULLSTOP.
Yestrdy Sufri call. lame tk borak dgn dia. best la borak dgn kau!
He tell me abt wat hppen at Jurong last Sunday. Dgr cam byk yg klakar.
pling klakar bla sufri & Yaya tggu Imran. OMG! hym like ... lu pkir la sendiri!
hahaha. what hppen kalo i ade dkt sane? confirm KECOH! hahahah.
oklah need to go. maybe Pina lapar. and she need Milo Ais! hahahah :)
tc readrs.. byebye.

♥Faizah Azmi

August 5, 2008


Hola :)
cam nk hujan jerk kt luar neyh. best. sejuk ! heee~~
hari ni as usual mkn roti choc n beli mineral. dats my bf. hhuhu.
nw rehat smpai jam 10.30 am. so i take a tyme for blogging. heheh xD
owh yeah. maybe tmr is my last posting! bkn stop terus bt for a while jerk.
ade trial SPM. so stop dulu uh. bt if i hve sumtink to share wif u all, i will update kaay.
owh yeah. to all AYU FANS, jumpa anda Sabtu neyh kaay.
dat all for tday. nk makan dlu. hehhe :)
tc readers.

♥Faizah Azmi

August 4, 2008

Hola :)
Long tyme tk update. *mcm phm*
tday biase2 jep. Pagi pegi sekolahh. I tk mkn until i go hme. hahah. JIMAT!
then tdi,Sabrina dtg rumah. lepak. dia straighten ramobt dia yg sememangnye straight tue. bt idc. hehehe :) . owh yeah. akak beli chicmungs. hahah. comel sgt. like dat animal! huhu.
smlm pegi kenduri dkt klang ! adoii panas sungguh tempat tue. mcm pe ntah. kawsan pendalaman gituee. IDC ! haahha xD . smlm tk dpt ckp dgn Aliff ! tkpe uh. tkde rezeki kowt. waaahh :)
urm tk tao nk tulis pe lagi.
tday very short esei dat i wrote. hhahaha :) mepek sudaaahh !

;Faizaaah :)