August 20, 2008

Hols !

Halo everybody!
Well nw school holiday gituuu. bt boring gyler.
okok stop write BORING! xD
tday duduk rumah smpi jam 4.00 . then ma ina balik and send me at Mak Lang house.
well here im am. at maklang house. im alone without my siblings. huhuh :)
happy gitu duduk sorang2. tk pyh jage itu 2 org budak. hahahha :)
bila i dkt rumah mklang,i tke a tyme to post sumtink uh.
act tk tao nk post apa. bt i nk post jugak. bcoz its holiday weeks ryte. so mesti byk nk bgitao.
Fuzza,my czen,suro update myspace dia. ltk lagu Permintaan Hati. maybe she like dat song. idk larh..
owh yeah. lagi 2 weeks, puase ! then raya. then SPM ! ha! neyh yg i paling takot!
btw i tk dpt PLKN gitu. so very happy larh kan. hehehe :)
ystrday, i buy TRUE SINGAPORE GHOST STORY BOOK. well i think everybody knows the book.
why i buy ? bcz Sufri said his story ade dlm buku tu. dats why i beli uh.
owh i da buat karangan neyh. heheh .
ea larh. dah tkde idea nk post ape.
ok larh. nk tolong fuzza update ms n straighten rambot dia.
tkcareess readersss :)
byebye... daaaa..

♥ Faizah Azmi

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