July 30, 2008


neyh dlm bilik kaunseling. bosan gyler tyme neyh. :)


neyh pulak CHELSEA menang ! lawan dgn msia ! hahah :)


miss them ! TRUE FRIENDS !

July 28, 2008

Bored !






S U C K !


adoyaii !
saket gigi akuh ..
bleyh pulak doc suro i cabot dua batang skali?!
ape dia ingat gg i neyh mainan ?

;Faizaah :)

July 27, 2008

Hey Blog !
Last friday ade cite called Jahil dkt tv2.sedeyh beb!C.zura and I nangis thap maxi nyer. tibe2 teringat kat arwah ibu.IBUUU ! Miss ibu much2... urm.. yesterday g Kamdar KL. Bosan siahhh. tkde pape yang interesting dkt situ.
c.zura beli kain colour maroon tok raya. AKU? tk beli lagi. hahaha :)mls nk beli. ku nak beli jeans and tee jerk. tahun neyh ku tk raye sgt coz SPM. pastu g pasar dkt area2 kl. abeh abg2 yg bawak van dkt situ kena maki dgn I!
Sape suh parking van tgh2 jalan? org nak jalan la JENDUL ! Adoyaiii ! Today bgun jerk,tgk yana da bangun. then bagi dia bf. then lepak2 dgn maktok,makngah,maklang,c.zura and maksu dkt blakang umah. smbil mkn ais krim.
then maklang masak. pastu lunch,kiteorg lepak lagi smbil tgk Melodi. well,tkde pape yg intersting dkt Melodi. nw da jam 7.06 pm. ku baru on9. hehehe :) ni jerk aku nk post. hahahah :) fuzza da stat mereng ! gyler czen ku neyh hahah x)

tc everybody !
nk ushar fs jab.

:faizaaahh ♥

July 25, 2008

hye blog !
hari ni hari sedih ;'( . tadi Pn Suzy menangis dlm class. ni sume Zaid nye psal ! x)
so 1 class mintk maaf kat cikgu dlm meeting room. cikgu maafkan kowt. maybe larh.. huhuhu :)

urm... presentation tk siap2 lagi. nw dlm bilik kaunseling. Oh! thanks Pn Zaida coz bagi gune laptop dia ! hbis kiteorg buat harta jab ! hahahaha :) bosan tol tggu Sab kaunseling! Siti da setel belayar. Lily sms merah kowt?ha ! LU PKIR LA SENDIRI ! Pina? tggu Asi sms kowt. hahahah :)

nw sub science. sorry yaw Pn Norina ! hahahah :) mals uh nk masuk class ! duk sini lagi BEST ! hahahahah :)

ok larh. nanti i post lagi kaayy !
btw link me kaay :)
daaaaaaaaaaaa :)

;faizaah :)

July 24, 2008





by Asirul & OG

today was boring gyla. Tadi server comp kat library down. adoyaiii. cannt online plakkkk. so duduk dkt meja dgn sab and lily bace paper. da lama tk bace paper neyh. hehehe :) . Rehat habis. Masuk kelas ! argh ! Zeragon datang ! hahaha :)
Terus sab,lily and i pegi toilet. hehhehe :) . Masuk je klas,kena bebel dgn cikgu "pegi tolit smpai 3 orang?apasal?" hahaha :) kiteorg gelak.. pape jela.. well Perdagangan was BORING !

Hari neyh puase. Yey ! da habis ganti. hehhe :) . buke makan kaetiaw goreng! sedap gyla cik Din masak. thanks cik Din.

Trial SPM incoming !
so good luck la kat semua yg amik SPM dis year ! Takot !
x) .
until here.

: Faizaah :)

July 22, 2008

hyep !
tday ade ICT Exam..
adyaii sush beb !
urmm..tangan and bdan da start skit2..
I need DOC ! arghhh x)

mggu neyh bz..
nk cari tempat tok Gathering Ayu Fc..
ade ke dorang bagi tugas tnpa meeting? tk ptt taooo..
pastu bagi bdak sek yg arrange tempat! adoyaiii..
mana nk cari tempat neyh ? MC.D ? urm...

nw kena cari pelukis2 Malaysia and Antarabangsa..
adoyaiii sorang pon aku tk knal.. hahahha.
sorry kaay pelukiss2 :)

;Faizzaaahh :)

July 20, 2008

Happy Birthday my dearest adeq !



Happy ! yay ! finally batik siap !


Batik by Faizah Azmi


adalah buatan ku yaw !

minggu pling memenatkan !
Serious taooo !
finally batik ku siap..
cantek or tak..idk !
hehehhe :)

;Faizaah :)

July 13, 2008


bek to de story !
heheh :)
well..kayla ade minta maaf smlm..
bt tk tao larh nk maafkan dia ke tk..
ssh siahhhh !
urrrm..... x)

owh yeah..
aliff dah potong rambot lagi..
cepat gyle rambot dia panjang en..??!!
nw tgh bace mjlah Mangga..
OMGG ! ALIF larhhh !
tk tao neyh pic byle..
nk kate tyme APM..baju aliff laen...
wtevr larh..

okok nk mandi neyh..
tc yeahhh :)


July 10, 2008

benci !

noe what !
baru smlm i dpt tao yg dia TAK SUKE KAWAN dgn i !
its fine bt yg buat saket hati and terase its bcoz dia ckp blakng2 !
i benci tao bila orang ckp blakng2 pasl i!
well sok nk jumpa tu budak n need to slow talk to her..
pe dia ingt dia bagos ?
apsal ko nak jeles2 ngan aku uh ?
eeeiisshhh bengang tol !

;faizaah :)

July 8, 2008

Bz la lately.
kena siapkan art projek.
end of dis month da kena submit.
need a rest. help2 .
today,kiteorg buat experiment sabun.
susah tao. tpi ku tk paham pape2 pown.
hehehe :)
camana nk phm? org buat experiment..kiteorg amik pix.
hahhaha :)
tgk je larh pix2 neyhh .

Experiment Sabun. bosan!

Kami anak MALAYSIA !

owh gosh ! Doc ke ? hehhe.

SUPERtinggi & SUPERchomeyh

Science Lab.

with Pn Norina

Fay & Lily.

SUPERcutezz Lily


be a Doc soon ?
;Faizaaah :)

July 3, 2008

helloooo :)
da sekian lame faizah tk post pape ryteee ??
hehehe :)
owh btw nk mintak tolong pada sesiape jerkkk..
sape2 bleyh ajar faizah camana nk tag tk ?
serious SUPERSUSAH taooo !
adoiii x)
ni ptg faizah skip kelas tmbhan...
hahaha...jhat tol...bajet da pandai la neyhhh :)
ala.. kelas kena campur ngan kelas SC...
so...MALASSS !
okaayyy larh..
:Faizaaahh :)