September 6, 2009

morning syg.

Assalammualaikum and Morningg .
just drop a while here . bosan jab . hehe kejab je .
well Im still sleepy . yelahh tidur pukul 5.15 am .
Am I sahur pagi tadi ? haha tk sahur pon . da sedar jam 5.15 am ,
bole ckp sendiri " mmmm malas nye nk sahur " . ok terus masok bilik , tidur ....
haha bole eh macam tu ?so wke up tadi 10.40 am . terus bukak internet .
bukan bukak lappy tao. gyler la 1 hari tk tutup lappy. since pagi smlm .
malas nk shut down . haha.shhh.. diam-diamm okayy peeps :]
currently on my fb now. nak approve best friends .
harini berbuka 3 orang jer.
Yaya hve a date dgn Abg Arep dekat JJ.weii nak ikot ! hahah.
ade artis GSA tu .owh yeah Akem balek this
15.9.2009 pada jam 2.30 di LCCT, Sepang .
so Gafim's make a reminder ! aduhh hope Pina can fetch me there .
macam da lame tk jumpa Akem .bukan macam da lame tpi mmg lama .
last jumpa tyme final AF .could you imagine, lame tu . MAY-SEPT . lame sgt-sgt .
owhh I miss my besties already .Miss Pina, Ac, Teyka, Zera ....
that Im mention yang Ac now dkt Spain ? dia ade game .
balek dari sumewhere (sorry lupa da nama dia),
dia rehat 2 weeks kot then trus pagy Spain .
puasa and raya dkt sana . AC ! jgan nanges uh . hahah .
ok ppl . wnna take my shower . nnty Yaya bising ! hahha .
hve a great day yeahh .anythings , just call or sms's me :]
will reply if I've a credit . hahha .

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