July 20, 2009


Happy 9th Birthday Faizikri Azmi.

My adek officially 9 years old yesterday. Eh really 9 years old mehh ? Yaalooohh. Maken besar adekku ini. Maken besar maken byk wishlist. Ingt kakak dia banker agaknya. Maen mintak mcm benda tu FREE. But I already buyed a pair of Adidas shoes for him but not only for him but for me too. Well I need a new shoes for college right? Macam lari topic jerr ? alermakkss . salah-salah. And today Ma Ina make a small birthday party for adek. Banykk makanann and sedapp. Sory tak amik byk pic during bday.Malas.andand nk fokus MU-MALAYSIA.well dah agak MU Menang! hahha. anw congrates Malaysia bcz dpt jaring 2 gol.kira hebat gak uhh. Harini ade lawan MU vs MALAYSIA lagik. so will see siapa menang?! adushh lari topik lagi.biarlahh (:

Oh act I write this in M.Word before I post-ing in my blog. Why? Ohh I always forget-ingg when I go onlinee. So I decide to write earlier, senang-senangg . always tell-ing that Im so excited and scared waiting for next week. I tell-ing you because im so excited for stdy againnn. Owh what course that I take eh ? is MULTIMEDIA CREATIVE ANIMATION at KOLEJ KOMUNITI KUALA LANGAT, SELANGOR. Tell you already its an excit-ingg course right? Hhahahha after finished the course, UPIN IPIN next episode will be my artwork. Wahahahahha if ader orang amek aku keje laaarr. Insyaallaah eh. And fyi, I already been there last Thursday.well, I already post the pictures right.huhuhuhu. Its interesting and scaryyy place eh. Tempat macam pendalaman gituk. Depan kolej ade TUDM and Pej.Pendidikan. Rumahh sewa macamm jauh. Pihak kolej suroh jalan kaki jerr. Ingat KAMI robot? Wahahahha ;) . Monday will go college for identify My new “home”. Hope my housemate and my roommates not to social and veerrry happening like me. Gilerr da aku ni.heheh. STOP !

Third stanza, hahah panjangg benar aku menulis but-but ade aku kesah? Huahuahuaa. So yeahh Saturday here we come. Eh “we” ? yeahh we.Sepatutnya keluar dengan Fizz,Teyka,Pina and Zuraini tapi tkx Harry Potter da sold out.then Pina cakap Hafsham ajak tengok wayang,ape lagi.terus say okeyy.Hafsham, Paly, Zaid, Fakhri, Johan,Pina and I, so yeahh its WE ! hangout again? Its actually HARRY POTTER DAY ! hahahha. We want to watch-ing Harry Potter.so HARRY POTTER DAY its CANCEL.so Hasfham ganti dengan PUBLIC ENEMY. The story so..so okay.hahha.suker Jonny Depp !!! Muka macam Akim siahh.buwekk.Before tengok wayang, kiter pegyy makan-makan dekat Pizza Hut and Karaoke.perkara WAJIB okeyy.hukhukhuk.

And ppl, gtg laaa. End my post with the (-_-)

Cheers ,

Faizah Azmi .

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