April 25, 2009

May 09

Waddup ppl !
rindu kamo wahai blog !
hahhahaha gylerr ke pehh akuu ?
currently at maktok's house .
balek kamponggg ;) hirup udara yang segar,
segar kee ? LU PIKIRLAH SENDIRI. hhhahahah xD
3.30 a.m. , still cnnt sleep .
chat with my ex-leader, Zul . klakar sehh dierr .
u guys should see when Zul takot bagi speech .
habes buat speech , teros keluar dewan .lari masok toilet .
Zul , u klakar la dat tyme .. hahahha ;)
act lately tk tao nak update apa.
no ideas laaa.. so can u help me?
give some ideass !!

1st May 2009 ,
OiAM3 Grand Finale.
I'll be there !!!
hahhaha. thanks Kak HunnyMadu for the tkx.

3rd May 2009 ,
maybe i'll be at Istana Budaya for Road To Hollywood.
hopeflly tkx ade lagii ..
and2 Good Luck for pu3 ! nervous kak?!

apa lagi nk update ?

pic of Akim's family members .
hahhahahaha . hope Akim dapat pegi final !
Akim masok final , gua pegy beb !
This week Akim bwak lagu Situasi by Bunkface .
suka lagu ni.. undi akim kayyss :)

Insyaallah will update tmr if hve a tyme .
Love you guys manymany <3

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