September 13, 2008

happy news yg nak i share with all of u all sume.
Well ystrday i dpt call from 1 production house n they want me to come their office to photoshoot and all.
mula2 mmg nak pegi bt bila da confirm dgn kak Ifa, kakak yg keje dkt compny tu , dia suruh datang n bwak duet RM260 ! hey! mane nk cari duet tu akak oii ?! den i didnt go la. coz tkde the money. better i use the money to rebond my hair yg suck neyh. hahhaha :)

so nw dkt office cik Zura. i use Cik Zura friend comp. hahaha. terok. Datang office orang nak on9 jerk. Bt idc okaay. aslkn i dpt on9 gitu. huhuhuh . well i pon tk pegi Percel C niari. hahah. da register tapi tk pegi. terok seyh akuhh.. nvm uh. nanti misti ade lagi. my trial result da keluar. My perdagangan was Good! my Science, Math, English was terok gitu. cam suprised bila tao my english terok. bt i noe why my english paper terok. bcoz dat tyme i really bz dgn Ayu Party on Saturday n fishing at Manting on Sunday. so balik da midnight gitu. dah la tk study poem n short story sume. so otak da hengg ! so for my Pra SPM next month, i will do better than dis. hope so larh.. my dad da marah ! ko belajr ke tk neyh ??! i senyum je uh. urm xD

so fasting lagi 2 minggu den kite RAYAA ! Heheh :)
nw i hve 2 baju kurong. tee shirt, jeans and kasot blum beli lagi. and i want de new kasott !
bcz my kasot da terookk gyle. suck mann ! so need the new one. hehe :)

so gtg. tkcare. ily all !
Selamat Berbuke walaupun sekarang jam 12.27 p.m. hahaha :)
Adiosss ~~

♥ Faizah Azmi

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