February 27, 2010

Whoots !
currently at McD with boyfie . webcam-ingg with Zue . lama deh tak jumpa kau . okeh nnty aku balek Putra , aku bilang kau eh ? then kau kena treat aku MCD as usual ah . plus wayangg ! ptg nnty nk pegy Jusco pulak . yey !
so peeps , blogging later yeahh . bye . anything call and texted me yey :))

February 21, 2010


today its our 4 months !
love you sayangg *_*

dah jadi tunangan orang . next year akak kawen . cantek kan ?

February 20, 2010

my holiday :)

during Akak punye pertunangan :)

love him ever !

gyler deh kitakita xD

Whoots !
cuti sudah sampai ke penghujungnya. esok kena balek Banting daaa . DON'T ASK ME ABT ASSIGNMENT ppl ! PENINGG ! ok haritu buat Pina's suprise birthday. ahhaha. last minutes ~ pukul 9.15 pm, bru pegy beli cake dkt SECRET, then beli kropoks and airs . hahah . then lepak dekat kawasan umah pina agak lama gak ahh . sampai saya kena kacau dengan budak mana ntah . but kite kena chill . hahha . dalam hati Tuhan je tau weehh . then 11.30pm , called Pina suruh tengok luar and SUPRISE ! tapitapi yang plan AC and I . yang datang buat suprise pon AC and I . Heheh . then bagi hadiah . soryy tak sempat amek picture tshirt yg I bagi dkt Pina . its from Hush Puppies . nice wan . hhehe . lepak till 12.30 am . then balek .

errr , malas ah nak blogging . nak makan jap . bye

February 17, 2010


Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Pina
Happy Birthday to you !

tua dah kamu ahh.
anw semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, May Allah bless you dear.
ok nnty bday kite lepak ahh. aku cuti dahh ni. hahha. love you BFF !

February 16, 2010

bday aliff

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Aliff Aziz
Happy Birthday to you !

Happy 19th Birthday Aliff !

February 11, 2010


its Azlan !

a random picture fr tday. well Azlan keep ask me fr upload his picture on my blog and here ur pic Azlan ! hehe . anyway WHOOTS ! hello ppl . hws going ? finally my scripct and stryboard done w a smiling face :) hehee~ dah submit tadi . so lega . and tmr need to submit 100 drawings bt can I finish all the drawings ? pape ntah lectrer ni . minta pon beragak lah . memang esok tak hantr la ok ?! drwing block pon da habis . duet ? ermm jangan cakap pasal duet lagi wahai kawan-kawan ku .

oh lupa 1 thing . Selamat Bertunang kakakkuhh :)
akhirnya dia bertunang jugak . ok akak bakal ditunangkan dgn Fad pada Ahad ni . in purple theme. patut lah ym suruh bawak balek baju kurung purple . cehceh :p . and sista , Im happy fr you :]

tc . bye .

February 9, 2010

xpress music

kurang ajar nye pompuan !
aku ingat kau baek tapi kau talam dua muka !

better kau pulangkan XM aku !
and aku tak akan bermusuh or berdendam dengan kau .
bagi lahhh !

sambung lepas class yeahh . ade shooting jap :)

Whoots !
apa khabar anda sumer ? erm , hati still tk tenang memikirkan hal tadi di kolej . bodoh nyer pompuan . tapitapi sure ke itu XM aku ? ermm , takot la bukan .

Aku cume boleh berharap yang itu MEMANG XM aku ! aku terlalu rindukan XM aku . bagi aku , XM tu tkde nilainya . memanglah ia hanya sebuah handphone tapi tau kah anda dari mana ia datang ? dari mana duet untuk beli XM tu ? from my late mom ! bagiku , XM tu ibarat nyawa sebab ia dari arwah ibu . ok walaupun arwah ibu tak tengok mase aku beli XM ni tapi duet tu , kan datangnya dari ibu yang telah lama meninggalkan aku adik beradik ?! thats why aku sayang XM sangat-sangat selain dari laptop ni .

kenapa KAU sanggup mencuri ?
tidak mampu ke kau ?
apa guna family and bf kau sampai kau mencuri ?
muka kau langsung tak menunjukkan kau adalah seorang PENCURI !
but in reality , thats YOU are !
how could you ?!
tapi percaya wahai perempuan , aku akan maafkan kau jika kau pulangkan XM aku .
aku tak akan bermusuh dengan kau .
kau ibarat kakak tapi kakak yang memakan adiknya sendiri .

madah berhelah end here :)
hehe . best gak tulis ayat-ayat macam ni . puas hati :D
nk mandi dulu ahh . tc . bye .
anything , call or text-ingg me yeaa .
still pakai num yang sama :]

rase macam nak makan KFC laa o_O

p/s : XM = Xpress Music . my Nokia Xpress Music :]

February 6, 2010

tag lagi :)

1. nama timangan anda di rumah...
Fee , Kakak, Faizah .

2. anda seorang yang...
happy + cepat marah + mmm pe lagi? tk tau.

3. lagu favourite
byk. susah nk explain. hee~

4. makanan kegemaran
whoa ! saya nak BIG MC :)

5. soalan telah daku abaikan....
soalan apa? soalan exam slalu ahh abaikan. heheh :p

6. warna kesukaan
alaa.. entry seblum ni da gtao.

7. benda yg mesti ada dalam beg
err... ade purse, lip balm, pencil case, matrix card, hdp, note book, pendrive .

8. kali terakhir anda menangis
hahaa. mlm tadi. penat. byk sangat kena fikir smpai menangis.

9. sikap yg buat anda stress
terhegeh-hegeh !

10. tag 6 rakan anda
errr, sape-sape rase nk tag, tag jelah ok ?

February 5, 2010

tag :]

30 secrets About Yourself. Be honest no matter what..

[One] Who was your last text from?
my boyfie ahh :)

[ Two ] Where was your default picture taken?
In my beloved room at Putrajaya.

[ Three ] Are you bored with life at times?
sometimes xD

[Four ] Your current status?
no class drawing, makes me happy !

[ Five ] What is your current mood?
stressed !

[ Six ] Where do you stay?
rent house at Banting.

[ Seven ] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?

[Eight ] What's your favorite color/s?
Black and red fr sure ahh.

[ Nine ] Ever had a near death experience?
yes. lagi sikit nk kena langgar dengan traler ok ?!

[ Ten ] Something you do a lot?
going online.. Thinking.. SMS'ing.. gaming..

[Eleven ] Who can you tell ANYTHING to?
Mr Boyfie , Pina , Yaya, Ac, Cik Zura :)

[ Twelve ] Name someone with the same birthday as you.
nobody act. tapi yg dekat adelah. we hve Emir, Azam, Azlan .

[ Thirteen ] If you could have one super power what would it be?
The Jumper.. wish i can go places in the blink of an eye..

[Fourteen ] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
urmm ..

[ Fifteen ] Favorite season?

[Sixteen ] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?.
Err.. yeahh..

[ Seventeen ] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
Munchy's Oat Krunch .

[ Eighteen ] Do you speak any other language?
sometimes I speak javanish with my grandparents and family .

[ Nineteen ] Describe your life in one word.

[ Twenty ] Do you have any tattoos?

[ Twenty-one ] Who was the last person you hung out with?
my classmates .

[Twenty-two ] What are you thinking about right now?
bila loan nak keluar ngok ?!!

[ Twenty- three ] What should you be doing?
mandi ahh.

[Twenty-four ] Who was the last person that made you sad/angry?
secret. takot SHE baca.

[ Twenty-five ] What are you listening to?
Cinta by Aliff Aziz

[Twenty-six ] Do you like working in the yard?

[Twenty-seven ] Who is with you?
Yaya my roomate :)

[ Twenty-eight ] Do you act different around the person you like?

[ Twenty-nine ] What is your natural hair colour?
black .

[Thirty ] Last time you were really happy.
yesterday. ppl, I had a great day. tengok wayang dlm panggung syarahan. hhaa. gyler gempak !

anyone just tag yeahh :))


Dalam library KLCC

its Farah - Meng - Faizah Azmi

in love ♥

Annauncement .

  • SAN 2A students, LI briefing on 10/2/2010 , 2.30 PM in lecture stage. datang ok , nnty korang tk dpt pegi LI, padan muka ! hahhaa.

  • 2nd its , class Pn Molin tkde. ditunda hari lain . yipeee !!

update later eh. mau tido dulu :) bye .