June 30, 2009


Happy Good Morning .
woke early bcoz baba and ma Ina wanna go see her uncle .
anw takziah from me to his family . idk who the person that meninggal but biar lah .

happy tyme !
currently dgr Era.fm . arghhh YUNA on air ! wth.
ok why I too happy since last night . hahaha .
macam tk percaya pon ade jugak ni . bukan Afiq Hakim Ahmad call laa .
chill ppl . ni ade benda lagi best nk storytell-ing kat u guys !

I've been waiting for 2 weeks and yesterday I got the money .
hahahah klakar ke pehh ? ade aku kesah ?

my bebual dgn Achik and baba.

Me : check bank aku . aku da kering ni .
Achik : card bank kau mana ?
Me : jap2 . * checking my bag* nah!
Achik : kalau ada nak kuar kan berapa ?
Me : laa pegy la check dulu . ntah2 tkde ke . aduhhh kamo .

~ half an hour ~

Me : *opened my lappy* *hear door was opened*
Achik : *jerit* oi! aku keluar kan RM500 .
Me : haa ? da masok eh ? biar betul ?
Achik : betul la. kalau tk mana dapat duet kat tangan aku ni ?
Me : kau joke en ? aduhh biar betul ?
Achik : kau nk ke tak ?
Me : nak la begok. Patut la aku rase nak check bank je tadi dkt airport .

tiba2 .....

Baba : banyak lah kau .
Me : betul ba. akak siap ckp dkt Pina lagi eh .
Baba : apa-apa lah eh . loan baba jgn lupa *senyum*
Me : hahaha loan ingat pulak. nk sekarang or esok ?
Baba : anytime .

and blablabla .......
mlas la nak taip . serious sampai sekarng macam tak percaya .
well dalam bank tkde lah ade RM5OO je.
ade arnd 5K . 5k okey ! hahahha gylerr ....

will treat my family ASAP . maybe this Sunday , kite dinner yeahh .
&& buddies , next Saturday make a date with me .
aduhh excited siahh . hahahha .
& me already ordered 1 dress and 1 cardigan from Rini AF7 boutique .
hahahha ade duet terus order siakk . maket jer . wth .

owh to Pina ,
chill babe . AC pegy sana ade keje laa bkn pegy apa .
kau doakan je dia selamat pergi and selamat balek kay .
anw take care for ur incoming camp at Kedah .
kite jumpa next Saturday ok .

gonna off a while . kena kemas rumah .
nnty tak kemas , tk bole on9 dahh .
so ppl , bye.
tc .

June 29, 2009

1 month at France .

Ac , make Malaysia proud to you .
& we proud hve friend like you .

remember ! u are the one hve been selected
to bring Malaysia for the world !

check in :)

at MCD . Pina da touching :'(

bye Asirul .

currently at KLIA .
on9 at McD . tgh minum coke . sedap siahh .
hahahha sengalzz .
Pina da sedih2 . tkpe mlm nnty will upload pic Pina sebelom Ac pergi okayy .
now ltk pic tyme odw nk pegy KLIA .
so golek dulu . ??

Good Luck .

Vvvvvryyy Good Morning .
currently at home . Waiting sms from Pina .
huhuhu . doe noe what to do act .
duduk rumah bosan . tgk tv and tv tgk kiter .
muahahha :D
still rase bengang and hampa pasal gathering .
tkpe , ada laen kali . kali ini kena pegi .

anw nnty 3 or 4 pm nak pegy airport .
nak hantar AC pegy France .
dia ade latihan or tournament kayak kot .
ntah lupa sudahh . hehhe sorry bro .
will tumpang Ac's family car .
Yelah Anam tk repair kereta dia lagi .

*pic tkde kena mengena act.*

Good Luck Mohd Asirullah Kamar !
make Malaysia proud with you .
chayok-chayok :]

will update if I dun forget to get on9 there :)

tc (",)

June 28, 2009

what happen last nite :)

did'nt go GAFIM GATHERING today.
sangat2 sedihh ...

mlm tadi ade buat makan-makan dkt rumah pakndak .
and let the pic story to you !
not in mood , sorryy :]

tc :]

June 27, 2009

hdp and acer .

new hair.



verrryy Good Evening :)
currently at Mak Ndak house .
ada makan2 and doa selamat .
using my new laptop and Cik Zura's broadbnd for go on9 .
hahahha tkde duet la nk beli broadbnd .
finally I use my OWN LAPTOP !!
vvvvvrrryy finally. hahhaha .
That I told you that now Im use Nokia 5320 Xpress Music Blue ?
hahahah yeah Im using that hdp now.
like what eh ? cant say laa . sungguh bahagia gitu .
hahhaha gyler *winks*

Cant wait tmr !
kenapa2 ? see the poster ?

yeahh will go that !
Meet Afiq Hakim Ahmad for secondly !
sungguh2 bahagia laaa kann ?!
muahahhaha :)
reaalllly hope Kak Risha can fetch me at Kelana Jaya .
kak , go at Kastam House eh . huhuh.

so ppl , need to go .
want focus to another things beside this.
ade ke ? alaaa apa2 jelahh . hhahaha .
post tmr insyaallah .
tc .

June 24, 2009


officially Im finished my exams yooo .
happy *winks*
anw thanks to Hale coz belanje me on9 laa .
no money bcoz hbs byr sumthng mlm tdi .
andand GOOD NEWS PPL .
yeahh can meet AFIQ HAKIM AHMAD .
sukeerrzz sgtzz oii .
dun disturb me plz on that day . hahahah xD
hope Kak Risha can fetch me at Kelana Jaya
on Sunday morningg .
kak , help me yeahh :)
tc and ily ppl .

June 23, 2009

away .

gonna be away for a fews day laa .
bz exam . ceh pdahal exam 2 hari je.
hahahha .
well pagi tadi exam , for me senang la jugak .
hhehehe .
esk paper 2 plak .
will post later laa .
tc .

June 16, 2009

bday !












apa khabar ? anda sehat ? saya sehat . heheee~

wahhh alotss of pitcha kann .

well ramai bday dis month mcm saya .

nice ? this tshirt is my bday present from Kak Faen .
i lykeee vvvryyyy much ehh :)
andand sorry kak , ur prsent lambat ckit eh .
hehehehhe xD
currently chat with Heri and listening ERA.FM
cool la kann lagu2 mlm neyhh .
try to call Hale but tk dpat . mmmm , pelik2 .
tmr go sch coz Pn Ani Zakiah panggil .
idk for what act . maybe kemasukan I dlm form 6 nnty kot .
vvvvrryyy excted lah kan . hahahha gyler !
Jumaat ni pegyy Alamanda .
celebrate 3 org nyer bday .
me , Hfshm and Paly . ok guys , get readyy !
hahahhahah xD
so da blur ni . tk tao nk post apa .
23hb and 24hb , ade MATH EXAM .
takott . study+study+study oiii !
27th pegy Kelana Jaya . nk gegar rumah Pak Ndak .
muahahahhaha xD
nnty 28hb ade Gafim Gathering .
mmmmm maybe tk pegyy . iyelahh nama pon TERHAD .
sekarng je da 89 yg reg . adoii . tk dpt jumpa Akim .
*sure Sufri jelak baca ni. hahahha*
tc .
ok blah .

June 13, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me .


sungguhh gumbira . muahahahah .
yesterday was my 18 birthdayy .
owh thanks for all the wishes guys . tysssm .
mcm tak cayerr je da 18 wei . hahhaha sengalzz .
anw mana hadiahh anda untuk sayaa ? MANAA ????

hehehhe . act tk tao nk post apa ni walaupon da lama tk update .
laptop tkde laa . yey ! by end of this month , got a new laptp and hdp .
vvvvvvrryy happy oii . sudah surveyy la kann .
wahhh sgt murah hdp AKIM .
hhahahaha nk hdp sama cam Akim jerr . eh , jgn tiru please !

dunno nk taip apa . get ready nk balek kg .

pape just beep my hdp yeahh .
tc .

June 9, 2009

3 more days .

currently at library with Teyka comel.
hahahahhahaha xD . sure Teyka bangga ni bila bace blog
wahahahahah .
anw my bday is around the corner !!
3 more dayss weyhh !
prepare my bday present ASAP yeahhh .
byebye . nk tgk AKIM site . wahahaha .
btw thanks Teyka coz buatkn aku nye math .
malas siot nk buat !

June 3, 2009

9 more days .

happy now . why eh ?
lol . lagi 9 hari my birthdayyyy !!!
next week da 18 oii . semangat laaa kann .
hadiahh mana ? hahahhaha .
finally dpt add Akim's ym . gonna chat with Akim soon .
hahahha gylerr eh Faizah . wei ! ade aku kesah keerr ?
this week , Akim ade dkt Astro for chat @15 .
best sehh korang dpt chat dgn dier . aku ? cnnt laaa .
mmmmm sedih . mmg sedih . tpi nk uat camne en ? sabar jelahh .
now nk blah . heheheh .
nk pokus dekat tv laa . Kimora start kjb lagi .
so byebye :]